About Us
AWWA, a beacon of support and empowerment, has been dedicated to the welfare of Army wives, widows, children, and dependents since 1966. Through its various initiatives, AWWA aims to unlock the potential of its members, fostering growth and self-expression. “Abhivyakti” Lit Fest is a pioneering platform that showcases literary talent within the Armed Forces community, providing a stage for established authors and emerging writers to share their stories and connect with like-minded individuals.
As we embark on the fourth edition of Abhivyakti in Chandimandir, we invite you to join us for an unforgettable celebration of literature and creativity. This season, we delve into the themes of transition, transformation, and transience, exploring the evolution of ideas, stories, and literary adaptations in the digital age. Abhivyakti Season 4 promises to be an immersive experience, tracing the journey of literary creations from inception to realization. Join us in Chandimandir for an enthralling fiesta of storytelling, culture, and heritage, where tradition meets trend and creativity knows no bounds.
Contact Info
Khetarpal Officers' Mess and Institute, Chandimandir
Date: 8-10 November, 2024